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Soft Tissue Massage Therapist

Soft tissue massage on thigh
Head Massage
Back Massage

Do you suffer from achy hips, sore knees when you exercise, or throbbing legs & knees when you go to bed at night?  Perhaps one of your shoulders has a constant nagging pain that you just can not sort out; it may even be the cause of the persistent head ache or stiff neck you find you have on a more and more regular basis.  In all of these instances  Soft Tissue Therapy can help to alleviate the pain  over a session or two, and coupled with a bit of homework, could eradicate the source of the pain altogether.


Soft tissue therapy, incorporating massage, muscle energy techniques & soft tissue releases is a type of therapy used to help release muscle & joint tension, reduce or remove pain & help promote total body relaxation.  It does this by stimulating blood circulation & improving the flow of lymph around the body, which in itself strongly contributes to building a healthy immune system by helping excretion of unwanted toxins from your body.


Having regular soft tissue sessions alongside your fitness training programme, will enable you to alleviate any building muscular pain, improve your flexibility, help lengthen muscles all of which can,  in the short term improve your mobility and long term,  prevent muscle, ligament & tendon injury. 


Please contact me to learn more or  to book one of the sessions below.

Soft Tissue Therapy  Diploma Certification
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